Presentation About Credits




Just who is "MISTER N."?
See the life story of the fugitive-on-the-run, our group's founder, MISTER N.!
Discover the true identity of this mysterious man, the robber, the hero, the
myth THE TICKET FENCERER HIMSELF who overcame much adversity to realise his
dream of a society where information is free, where crooks and petty thieves can
get whatever they want without having to pay anything, like all free men ought
to in this Age of Information! With the creation of the Internet, we were
promised to get unrestricted access to all of the knowledge of the world, yet to
download as much as a few poems, a few scientific studies that have outlasted
their era, authors long-dead we're expected to pay royalties of up to the
hundreds of dollars. These corporations holding onto property that has been
passed to them as a side-effect of an acquisition of a group who's acquired some
other company refuse to utilise their properties, but also won't let them enter
the public domain, so they can bankrupt anybody seeking a piece of history.
MISTER N. laughs in the face of these robbers, and with his project the Ticket
Fencerers, has triumphed over them and paved a way for all people to enjoy
classic media. This is his story.

I'd like to congratulate the acting cast, and all other members involved with
the creation of this film on their performance and the incredible patience they
demonstrated in sticking with us all the way through this incredibly rocky road.
PLAN 9 FROM MYW BY NOAH LAW is due for release on 08.09.2017.
Steal your tickets now!

Update 08.09.2017: Our film has been released! View it here:


Using some trickery we can only suppose he learned from The Art of Misdirection,
MISTER N. has stunningly disappeared from his detention cell! Feds are looking
for him right now, and his whereabouts are as much of a mystery to us as it is
to them. We'll give you more news as this story develops!

Update 08.06.2017: As were were closing up for the night, the janitors found
MISTER N. asleep on the office floor! We wanted to ask him how exactly he
escaped the clutches of the island prison, but none of us could work up the will
to wake him. Plus, we were all scared that he would exact divine justice upon us
for kicking him out and the earlier statement about selling out if things
started looking shifty. Attached below is an image of his sleeping face.


Earlier today, it was announced that MISTER N. has been DETAINED by the Italian
Search and Destroy Pirates force. Through some skilled negotiation (MISTER N. is
a very charismatic man), he narrowly avoided death. Remember- they don't call
them Search and "Destroy" Pirates for nothing! They're known for their ferocity.
As the court has already sentenced him to eight life-time prison terms, he was
immediately processed by a Kino high-security prison by the name of "Alcatraz".
We will deliver more on this story as it develops. Could this be the end of
"Ticket Fencerers"? Stay tuned, and find out in the next entry!
If I stay around for that long.


MISTER N., having come under the radar of VIPPER RECORDS INC. recently for his
release of the VIPTRONIC musical records, has received legal charges. This story
wouldn't normally have developed to much more than that, but for failing to
respond to court summons over this dispute, MISTER N. has lost his case and the
best members of Italy's "Search and Destroy Pirates" military force are in
pursuit and hot on our trail. For fear of losing their lives, all other members
of Ticket Fencerers have mutually agreed to kick him out of the house. MISTER
N.'s future is looking very uncertain at this point. DADDYCOOL, head of VIPPER
RECORDS asked us to forward his thoughts to all prospecting pirates out there:
"    /\___/ヽ
   /'   ':::::::\     yoU cAn juSt cHilL and
  . |(●),   、(●)、.:| +  dO whATevEr anD totAlly RelAX
  |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|     if yOu pAyme EnoUgh ;)
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To make it clear: we're all seriously considering just giving this project up if
it means making our lives any more dangerous. If things don't all just work out
somehow, we're probably going to sell ourselves out and become some stupid
paid streaming service or something. Sorry, everybody.


MISTER N. found himself in a rather embarrassing situation earlier today where
he was discovered, toenail fragment separated from the rest of the thing. Our
new member, well-admired and good-looking news reporter STANIEL discovered him
toenail fragment in hand, toenail clipper lying abandoned on the floor by his
seat. Members of the Ticket Fencerers team offer their astonished commentary:
MARKUS: That's pretty gross.													
OSCILLO: I don't really see what the big deal is.