Presentation About Credits


Ticket Fencerers are an elite media ripping and archival group mainly focused on
movies deemed culturally significant. We aim to capture this media losslessly,
to deliver an experience just like watching the original film reel. In order to
achieve this, we spare no expenses on our media-ripping systems and the great
database (dubbed "The Library of Alexandria") which holds that media.



We collectively decided to use the name "Ticket Fencerers" because we
thought that it reflects the objective of our group. We think of ourselves
as shady criminals beneath gray suits and dark sunglasses, handing out
counter-feit tickets for the drive-in cinema, to anybody who happens to know us
and ask for a few. A group philosophy of ours is to share the wealth, and
between us, Ticket Fencerers is quite a wealthy group. We're so wealthy, in
fact, that we don't need to steal at all! As touched on earlier,
Ticket Fencerers acquires all of its media through perfectly legal means. All of
our media is ripped by ourselves, with our own devices. Of course, ripping this
media and sharing it on the internet is less legal (it's not legal at all) and
we could find ourselves in a right mess if anybody managed to figure out who we
are. Of course, that probably shouldn't happen, but if it does, then we're all
running away. You know how it is-- we only have our own lives to protect...

More questions? Send them here
and we'll update the next time we yell at our webmaster to check his mail again.

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