Arche Ticket Fencerers (A version of Arche from ANOTHER DIMENSION!)

Welcome to the Agent Argent Times!

This is a fansite dedicated to the mysterious Alex Argent who appeared on
numerous BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) and internet chat channels some time
mid-2007 for a brief, but very active period. He usually posted under the
handle "Agent Argent", but his identity was exposed when an experienced
cryptographer decyphered symbols on a crude drawing labelled "IDGAFTAXI".
Alex claimed, at first, that it was in fact some kind of military code from his
own world, but as posters began to put the heat on him, he eventually conceded
that "Alex" was simply his own name.

In his postings, he claimed to be an agent of some secret government
organisation from another Earth. He was searching for an MIB-series computer
with the undocumented ability to read code in COMPLEX, but unfortunately no
such system exists in our world. Alex disappeared as suddenly as he came to our
world, and he's still left a lasting impact on a wide range of people. To be
more specific, he's been summoned to court over a domesticated issue concerning
a certain private circumstance, and he's been on the run ever since.
Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever catch up to him.
UPDATE: It seems like Alex is still in our world! See our
"Silverspotting" section.

He bewildered many people with his other-worldly descriptions of the world he
supposedly came to visit from, and his startlingly inaccurate descriptions of
past events. For example, he maintained, with absolute conviction, that Ireland
was on the side of ""The Axis of Power"" in the Second World War, and seemed
to confuse the Central Americas for Easter Island, acting surprised over the
lack of Moai statues in a region he took to call "Inca". It is unknown whether
these were amazing mistakes of fact born of a concerningly bad knowledge of
geography, or indeed, true details from a place separated from our own.

For readers' convenience, I maintain an archive of his postings as well as
links to all of the sources, and several documents prepared by others who
followed the story.